Tuesday, July 18, 2006

We made it home!!

First of all I changed my comment settings so Thomas can comment now.

After the wonderful, crazy exhausting time we had visiting, it turned into the most expensive and then miserable trip on the way home. About 16 miles outside Lovelock the transmission had a heart attack and gave up. We limped along to the turn around and then back to Lovelock somewhere between 5 to 20 miles an hour. One person stopped to help and was able to find us the number to a tow truck in Lovelock-which was ridiculously expensive so we choose limp along mode. Grandma and Grandpa Lay caught up to us before we made it to Lovelock. How sad for us but we reminded the girls that we were probably traveling along at the Pioneers pace. Like it was consoling. But we still had air conditioning so we weren't miserable. I got a good night sleep with the girls-they got the good night sleep, I got a restless night because it is typical for me away from home. We were looking forward to swimming with Devanie in Carson but once Lee Joe realized it would be a few days to get the van fixed he decided we would turn around for home once we dropped the van off. I have been so sad to leave a vehicle behind. I really really like my van.

So miserable, hot, sticky, crowded and grumpy we were off at the same time as the day before. We passed the dreaded break down spot with no mishap and got home at 11:00pm our time. At one point I told all the girls in the back to sit on their hands and be quiet. Kelsea got home grounded from TV and Nintendo and was told to weed the garden as one of her punishments.

Needless to say home was never a more welcome sight. And our dogs were in near hysteria when we walked in the door. But I enjoyed the visit, the girls had a great time with all their cousins and aunts and uncles-and soon to be uncle.

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