Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Happy Birthday Autumn

Autumn had a good birthday yesterday. We went to Wal-mart to get her ears pierced and pick up her cake. THere was a gal that was pretty new at ear piercing that did one of her ears and part of gun got stuck. She sat there so gaood and wide eyed and never cried. I didn't talk to much about it before she sat there so she didn't know what to expect I guess. Better for her though. She is proud of her blue earrings. We bought an earring holder while we were there and for some stupid reason they had just boxed up all their earrings so we couldn't get any new earrings.

We came home, I ordered pizza and then Melissa,her kids and my mom came over. She got a Monkey Dooz sparkle makeover certificate from my mom and a monkey. Melissa got her some Tinkerbell things from the Disney Store and earrings. She got a Cabbage Patch kid that shares her birthday. I couldn't find one with her name on it. The closest thing I could find was Tatum. I found one with Kylee and Hannah's name though. She got new sheets and a pillow-Care Bears. And she got a night gown and some new clothes and some cleaning stuff,she wanted that. And a tinkerbell computer game. She is going to have her friend party after school on Thursday. Spring break starts this weekend so we had to rush the friend party along. She has a coupon for Build A Bear so we will probably go there tonight and she can get an outfit. She gets to go to Activity days for the first time today.

David went to the ER again Tuesday morning. They did another CT scan and pretty much determined he had the flu. He had thought to start with that he had food poisoning from the sudden onset of symptoms. And now Melissa thinks the same thing. He went to work today. It was a doctor's office that sent him to the ER to start with and it sure was an expensive way to find out nothing. Dylan is here today sick himself.

I think we are going to Donnelly this weekend for sure. The snowmobiles are booked. The girls are disappointed it is not for longer than the weekend. There is so much snow up there I don't think we need snow mobiles to have great time.

My ceiling in the office was mudded yesterday. More dust. But I should be able to paint next week and put the flooring in. I can't wait!!

I am not getting much done today. I am dragging like turtle or something. A repair guy is suppose to come and fix our dishwasher today. Here is a tip I am going to have to pay money for-He said to use powder detergent instead of gel. And he suggested I use a dishwasher cleaning agent. Jet dry has one you stick in an empty dishwasher and run. He also told me to use the jet dry stuff and all that should help your dish washer run cleaner. It has helped quite a bit since my dishwasher was making the dishes more dirty than when they went in. It is only 3 years old.

I still can't get the blogger thing to download pictures from my computer. It is probably my computer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The earings that were boxed up might be going on clearance, I would check back. I know our walmart in carson just put all there bathroom supplies on clearance. (towels, shower curtains, bathmats, shower curtain rings etc.) Didn't find anything I could use except cheapo towels for under the car seats in the car.