Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Getting better

Kylee and Autumn are doing Jump rope for heart. Any pledges anyone? We need to know by tonight-Tuesday. Give us a call if you want to. We need the pledges(money) before the 14 or 15.

Lee Joe is getting better. He went to work Monday. The cold air bothers it quite a bit but he has a warm hat with flaps that helps. We put the arm back on his glasses yesterday so they won't fall off. So the swelling has gone down a lot. He got stopped by a police officer last night just for some silliness. The officer saw his ear and said that he has had 5 of those surgeries. So they talked ear surgeries for a while and the only ticket he got was for no proof of insurance and he just has to take that to the courthouse. The ear surgery got him out of the ticket he was stopped for. How about that. He has to walk around with a cotton ball stuck to his ear. It looks kind of funny. He has to do that for another 2 weeks.

The weekend wasn't as calm as I hoped but it was the last one like that for awhile. I got a sewing order. I am suppose to be sewing right now. What a procrastinator. Anyways, Kylee made two baskets and Autumn tried for one in their game. One of their good friends was on the other team so we were cheering for both sides. Kelsea ended the season undefeated. They won 26 to 8. Kelsea made 6 of those points. and she assisted several other baskets. She is one to watch up and coming you guys! She makes most her baskets. Amber was playing 21 with Kelsea and she didn't want Kelsea to play anymore because she was making all her shots.

I had to lead music for the stake baptims on Sat. Usually they are in the primary room. This time there were 7 kids and so it had to be in the chapel. It was scary! But I did fine. But I brought the girls with me-no Amber though, she was snowmobiling. Lee Joe felt too bad to go. But my girls started misbehaving and All I could do was sit on the stand and make faces at them. They weren't really noisy,just naughty. We walked out to go to the font and some were crying and others were defending themselves. UGh. I just found out Kelsea's Aunt Flo came to visit in Jan for the first time. And we are hitting the mood swings and PMS like you wouldn't believe. She is mean to her sisters just to be mean. She cries whenever I raise my voice slightly at her. Just awful. She acted like she was going throw a knife at Autumn when they were cleaning off the table. She is about to turn 13. It is a long road ahead. Wish Lee Joe and I luck. Can I crawl under a rock until it is over?

Last night Kylee and Autumn got their trophies for basketball. They were their first trophys and they are proud of them.

Autumn will be 8 this month!! My 4th baby baptized and I am the mom of two official teenagers. I am so old.
Must sew or I will be up late again tonight.

1 comment:

Maryanne said...

I could not even tel who was kylee and who was autum for a moument. Because the last time I saw kylee she was the age the that autum is in her picture. I think that the kennedy side finally got a hold of a child. I love you all. Congrats on the trophys