Monday, January 24, 2011

Life and such and such

I tried when it come to blog posts. There has been so much and things I don't want to blog about yet. Other things I should blog about.
I made a comment the other day about feeling like a mother from a Jane Austen book. I hear about Amber's dating prospects. "Yes, that boy is suitable, But be careful with that one. DOn't lead him on if you really aren't interested. The other one you are waiting for, he shouldn't be talking about when he comes home already, he has only been gone 6 months. Lots of things can change." The world of Amber's future prospects interest me. And then there was the moment she had with Kellen Moore-the quarterback, Heisman candidate from the BSU football team. SHe spent a few minutes with him alone in an elevator. Amber!! You didn't say ANYTHING? Don't you realize the potential of even a date with that boy? She says he was not that good looking in person. I tell her "If it was your sister she would have had his number!" But that's all fun and silliness.
Amber did take a picture of him with her second encounter. Look! She was THAT close.

Then with Kelsea, Almost 18. One boy she had some conflicts with months ago. "Don't do anything with him." The missionary in Arizona-"When did you last write that boy?" And the boy she gave her number to on the freeway, he is totally in love with her even though she has never seen him in person, younger than her and talking about his mission. She's a little overwhelmed with the attention and he is talking about marriage. He lives in Nyssa Oregon. "That is why we don't give our phone numbers to strangers on the freeway." And then she was at dinner at PF Changs with her grandma and low and behold, who is sitting at the table next to hers and she has no clue. She texts me 'Kellen Moore is sitting right next to me' 'Did you say hi?' "No he's with a date.' 'How about making eye contact' 'He's too into his date and he just left.' Another opportunity slipped away. Geez these girls.
Then one that is a little too young has a boyfriend. EGADS!!! How come we can't lock them up until we are ready to let them go?

We have the Blue and Orange going on but Kelsea doesn't want to go that path. She has to make her own way. She has been accepted to University of Idaho. In Boise you get scowled at for being a Vandal. But the black and orange school has it's loyal followers. Someone told me I need to get a flag that says "This house is divided." Hannah made what I thought were rivalry brownies with blue and orange on one side and black and yellow sprinkles on the other. She said they were get along brownies. She is so funny. Just for the record, the blue and orange ones disappeared first.

The past few days I have had electrical shocks put through both my arms, blood drawn, x-rayed my hands and feet and will be getting an MRI on Thursday. I get to wear braces on both my hands at night. I feel like I ready to start boxing when I go to bed. I feel old and frustrated. I am not even 40. But I will hopefully have answers soon. But the direction they are headed now makes me worry a little. Could be a different diagnoses. We will see.
I am reading books by Wayne Dyer and the Secret's the Power both at the same time. The both said the same thing when I was reading last night. I have to make a serious attitude adjustment in my perspective of everything. It's doesn't come easy for me because of my crazy ability to worry about all things out of my control. Blech. I am working on it.

I know I have said this before but the soundtrack from "How to Train Your Dragon" Is the best ever!! I know that was random but that is what is blasting from Amber's room at the moment.

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