Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring madness

I will admit I am a little strung out. I will also admit that at times, it takes next to nothing to make me that way. I did find it humorous earlier this week that I said "oh, tonight is not too bad. We just have track, piano and tennis." How is having 3 things after work not too bad? I suppose it is because all those things got done by 5:30 and I had an evening to myself, but not really. I went to the fabric store to buy fabric so I could modify Kelsea's dress for prom.

So I dread spring now. It is busier no matter how you try to manage it, than December. Everything always looks manageable until everything decides it is time to wind it with huge production numbers. That is how you know the end it near because of the flurry, the tornado, the fireworks of the finale to finally send it off and put it to rest until next year. And everyone wants to do it all at the same time. The District track meet will happen on the same day as the elementary honor band tour that requires a chold to be dropped off and picked up during the parents work day. OK.

It is hard to say no to the things the kids do when they get done with that track meet and you were so reluctant to add another thing and your daughter says "that was so much fun! I just loved that!" even though she came in 3rd in the shotput and there were only 3 girls and she didn't place at all in the 60. And she is running with the most persistent infected toenail and then continues to run when they cut part of it off. All right fine, join track.

I asked Kelsea over and over about Prom. It wasn't her fault no one from her school asked her. And then the kid who did found a way to ask her even though he didn't go to her school. Then he asks her on the Sunday before prom. On top of the already busy week we get him permission to attend. I have to alter a dress she already has but am too exhausted all week to work on it. Then there is the flower she needs for him. She is too busy to do that. Miracles did happen this week. She had dress she felt more modest in. Friends did her hair. I was parting with my car because the dress was so big and he doesn't have his license yet. I tried to get all my shopping done during the day-I usually wait until late Saturday to that. In the middle of my grocery shopping I get a call from Kylee saying that the guy was waiting for me to pick up the flower I ordered for her the night before. I forgot to tell Kelsea to pick it up and it left my mind completely. They closed at 1-it was 1:30. I try to figure out what to do. Amber is volunteering at the Jazz festival downtown, Kelsea is on her day date at Wahooz in Meridian and Lee Joe is working. It's me. I am it. I have a cart with lots of groceries. What do i do? I left it. I told the checker I would be back. Drive the way with the shortest stoplights, right past my house, to the florist. I feel so bad and liek such an idiot. He says "usually it's the dad's that do that." I am just the most frazzled mom at the moment. I don't ever forget things like that. I drop the flower off at home and go back to my cart. I get done shopping, I don't even want to put gas in the car and I need to be home and get things put up and my house clean. Kelsea texts me in the middle of her getting her hair done. "did you get me a bra?" CRAP!!! Nope, nope.. another thing forgotten. It is close to when she needs to get dressed. I go to Burlington coat factory and hope that this is the day that store will have what I need when I need it. You never know there. They do! Fastest shopping trip EVER! good. It getting later. kelsea isn't back. Her date shows up. We are waiting. She has a tremendous amount of hair. It's not just long but very thick. 3 hours later-and it's beautiful- she comes home and we throw her clothes on. We get her to the park on time for pictues. Everyone is already there but just got there.
We got great pictures this time. And then the date became a disaster.

Lee Joe is right about something with me. I am way to empathetic to point that I think I can be pathetic. When my kids struggle I feel everything right with them. They are upset-I feel the same pain. I feel the pain of the other kid involved as well. Then my other daughter is in another kind of heartbreak pain. I am feeling the pain of two kids at once and have to work really hard to separate myself from them. ugh. It was a rough night after all that work to try and make it special. The pictures make it look good though. We will imagine it that way.

I have quote of the week. Little girls comes up to me. This is the one that almost named me Mrs. Dorito. She was sad. "the kids don't believe me." She shakes her head. "don't believe what?" "well Lilly does but the rest don't" "What is it?" "they don't believe me that I am a werewolf. My sister saw me when I was sleeping that I am werewolf. They won't believe it." "I see" I say. "Well I think that is something you should be kind of quiet about and just tell your really good friends, cause that is kind of a scary thing to be don't you think." "Yeah. You want to hear me howl?" What a quirky girl.


Janika said...

I had not read your blog since January. I'm glad LeeJoe has a job.

Do you think Hannah wants to be Hyperbole because we called Autumn onomatopoeia? (I had to look up the spelling.)

I hope all of you are going to come to Nevada at the end of June. We miss you guys.

Jenn said...

I just said the same thing! Tonight is a slow night with only 3 places to be and 3 projects to complete etc!!