Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Great quote

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain."

I just saw this quote and came after the most stormy weekend you could imagine. I have to work on the dancing. I haven't quite mastered it yet. I am still falling in the puddles.

I guess a good indication of a bumpy weekend is when your oldest daughter on Friday has her starter go out. Mindful of the blessings here-She was in walking distance to the school, even closer than if she was at home. Requirement for the use of my car was lunch brought to the school for me. Wonderful daughter did that. When trying to pick her sisters and me up after school, she left her jacket behind in class and was uncomfortable going to get in while other students were testing-Mindful blessing-very attentive friend noticed right away, jacket rescued. Then Amber further helps out by taking Autumn to get a gift for a friend at the dollar store, somewhere along the way, finds a nail and it likes my tire. Amber is at home when she discovers the flat. We have a flat and there is this usually huge-but somewhat scaled down concert that Autumn and Kylee need to be at in like 15 minutes of getting this flat tire. Mindful blessing- People we know drive by the house and turn around and offer to help. They are going to the same place and I can bring dad once tire is changed. I get help, we are perfectly on time. Dad is not as on time-mindful blessing-Cell phone! I call him when girls perform so he can sort of hear it but doesn't miss it completely. Next!
Saturday we know have two cars to fix and a few places to be. Mindful blessing-Hubby is so resourceful. He manages to get tire replaced for free-I guess Amber drove a little with the super flat tire and they won't just fix it. Then he gets starter from junkyard so instead of 120 dollars it is $20 and he fixed it! But one more car starts to act up but he is milking it along for now. Kelsea's door got caught in the wind last week and dented another girl's car. They decide to file a claim and I am surprised by the insurance company telling us about the claim. I find out I need to resubmit EVERYTHING we sent in for a home loan modification thing we started in November. DO you think I have any clue where any of that is? Two kids are sick all weekend. And a grandma is very unhappy with Kelsea over the outcome with prom. Oh dear. hmm... There are some mindful blessings... I took Monday off to find my paperwork and also found the top of my desk and calmed down a bunch. I was super stressed all weekend. Hannah had to stay home on Monday-another good reason to be off. We have never filed a claim in 5 years of having our insurance so our insurance won't go up when they pay out the $200 to two dents and we were only responsible for one. All is well. The Grandma thing.. No sharing details there, just hoping prom will soon become a distant memory for all involved. But Kelsea got the sportsmanship award at the tournament she was invoved in on Saturday. She was voted on by coaches so that is quite an honor for her. Loan thing-haven't figured that one out yet. But Lee Joe has a great lead on a great job and he interviews for it tomorrow.

As for kiddos-Amber is going to be a member of the Blue Thunder Marching band at BSU next year. We are so excited for that! She is taking summer school classes and is doing great.
Kelsea is having her struggles this year. Some with friends, some with dates, some with classes and she is learning some difficult yet character building lessons with life. She is playing Tennis and winning some and losing some and is nursing an injured a sore shoulder as we speak. It's a little more than sore. Maybe it's related to too much texting? That's what I think I will tell her.
Kylee is thriving in 7th grade. Tremendously social and testing some boundaries. She has been busy with Honor Band, piano, dance, and now is playing Volleyball and made varsity. She is proud of herself. That just started.
Autumn is in a whirlwind of craziness that is calming down. She did track for the first time, has loved it. She took someone's place on a relay team and they went all the way to the city track meet and took 6th. She has discovered she enjoys running a lot and helps her feel good and cope well-even when her toenails are very infected. The poor kid had one more side of her toenail removed again. It's been an interesting time for her. A lot of growing up going on. I am watching her finish up elementary school and I can tell she is getting ready for jr high.
Hannah started piano this month. She really likes it. She is doing dance as well. She told her dad to stop gaping again tonight. We start laughing and she says "what?" She really has no clue. She is very interesting.

As for me-I have lost a few inches and few pounds with exercise only. Some people are starting to notice. I can't wait for school to get out and I really hope we can do something this summer. But I still don't like all these teenage hormones in my house.

That is more than anyone ever wanted to know I am sure. The puddles are big and I am getting wet but am trying to learn to get through the storm with grace....and sanity...all in one piece because sometimes it feels like I am loosing my mind....

But not today.

1 comment:

Janika said...

Great post. Sorry I have not been reading lately.