Wednesday, May 10, 2006

GOLLY vacation is over!!

I have been so busy. Monday was laundry recovery and chase around. Tuesday I had an Appt at noon and then 4 of the girls had dentist appts. Two had cavities, two without. One needs a referrral to an orthodontist-Autumn. Hannah's fillings will be in the hospital because she has 7 and they will put her out and do it all at once. Otherwise it would have been 4 appts.

Today was fuller than I anticipated. We had a dead baby bird in the house this morning. Lee Joe took care of it before the other girls got up. We have a robin that built a nest on top of our electric meter. THe cat just can't go away and the eggs hatched this week. SO we have been concerned about the future outcome. The baby bird in the house this morning was too old to have been in our monitered nest.
Amber had an early morning Drs appt. She is going to have lump removed from her arm on June 1, she had another X-ray on her foot. No stress fracture. And she had an MRI this afternoon. She has tremors that are getting worse. Her braces are going to mess up the results of the MRI. We won't know the results from that until a few days which will be next week if we are lucky.

Amber has one more tennis match. The city tournament is tomorrow. She got a shirt that advertises she is a 3 sport girl-the whole reason she played tennis.
Kelsea is on Varsity 1 volleyball team. She is a happy camper.

I start my new job tomorrow. I am excited and nervous the main office gal will be gone so it is going to be interesting. Hannah is going to the neighbors tomorrow.

Lee Joe is back to his over filled schedule. I haven't seen him much since I have been back.

I tell you high school si going to be more expensive than jr high. I thought we were in the public school system. Amber will attend a class this summer. $110 to take one semester of PE so she can take seminary during the day. She will have to do the next semester next summer, Another $110. Marching Band camp, required attendance in Aug before school starts is $ 140. Drivers ED required for a drivers license here $ 160. We haven't signed her up for that yet. UGH, no wonder I need a job.


Unknown said...

I wish I could help.

Janika said...

Hey lady!

I finally changed my links on my blog, so you are on there now. Good luck with the new job. Keep breathing.

Maryanne said...

Janika must not realize that she put your link in wrong. So it does not work. But she did try. However, your name is on her blog.