Monday, December 26, 2005

After Christmas recovery effort

Another Christmas come and gone. The house is turned upside down still. Christmas Eve was spent at my mom's house. We all exchanged gifts and had a light dinner. We looked at Christmas lights on the way home. Then the girls exchanged presents from each other. THe little girls went to bed in the cute nightgowns their Grandma Lane got them from the Disney Store. At Midnight poor Autumn woke up throwing up. And did it again at 3 or 4. Christmas morning she sat opening presents with a puke bowl beside her but no more action in that department. So the Amber Kelsea Kylee and I got ready for church and Lee Joe stayed home with the Autumn and Hannah. The kids sang well, thank goodness. We came home from Church and I was exhausted to say the least. My family didn't come over until after 5 for dinner. We had a nice time. Autumn had a bit of a tummy ache in the morning and looked a little tired all day but other than she managed well the rest of the day.

Favorite gifts-Lee Joe gave the 4 oldest girls CD walkman things. Lots of solo action. Favorite CD-Madagascar soundtrack to Amber and Kelsea. Kylee and Autumn got some dolls they love. Hannah loved everything. Especially her Disney princess nightgown. Lee Joe got Star Wars 1,2 and 3. I got a couple of glass seahorses I really like. And some of those super soft fuzzy socks.

The best part of this Christmas was making sure our neighbors were taken care of. A family Lee Joe knows "adopted" them. They were given bags and bags of groceries and there were presents for the 6 little kids and for the mom and dad too. Lee Joe and the friends got caught dropping the stuff off. But boy was the family grateful. I was able to give the dad money he earned from working on our basement to give his wife a present. She was floored and had a much better Christmas for it. He gave her a digital camera. So that was great to be able to do that for someone.

Today Lee Joe took Amber and Kelsea out and Kelsea came home with Hamster she bought herself and cage and everything else. So she is a happy camper again today.

And we are about to get ready for Hannah's birthday on Thursday. The big 4.

I finally knocked my cold I think. Woo Hoo


Unknown said...

Sounds like fun!

Maryanne said...

I'm sorry I missed the birthday. Happy birthday. What have we named the hamster? Love you all.