Sunday, August 10, 2008

unloading something

Since I bellyache about the lack of my ability to unload the pounds I took it upon myself to unload more crap. I went to a metal recycle place with an old swingset that has been in the garage for 8 YEARS now. I said 8 YEARS, Lee Joe. He has been mourning the loss of the swingset since I told him. He has had grand intentions of who knows what for that thing everytime I tell him it needs to go away. It went away. And the old screen door went to DI with some other stuff. I cleaned the van out since I had to take the seats out to take two big panes of glass from the sliding glass doors that use to be inside the house, to the glass recycle place. There are 3 recycle places here that I have visited this past week and they don't all recycle the same things. I THEN I took a dead moniter, dead batteries and dead flourescent light and a neighbors TV and another neighbors microwave and other similar stuff as mine to the land fill to the hazardous waste drop off place. A few things left by way of leaving it out on the curb with "free" on it. I had hoped it would seem like more things have left. There is a much better path in the garage now. There is a little less junk around the house but it does not seem huge. Oh well. But everytime these reminders of neglect left, I felt a little better. I might be motivated enough to attempt a yard sale! That would be big news if I could pull that off. I hate dealing with the people.

The two oldest came back from camp exhausted but did enjoy their girls camp week. The boys on their high adventure camp called the girls camp a girls retreat. They were in cabins with beds. I guess they had a nasty thunderstorm and rained really hard too. They were glad for cabins. The boys were not as lucky 20 miles away in their tents. The girls went to the SND on Saturday and it was a great turnout for our stake. They said everyone was there. The little girls enjoyed their time with mom for those 3 days we did stuff.

This is the week I dread. The indication of what is to come. Amber has band camp and Kelsea has volleyball conditioning. We have no spare car. And their registration is this week too. They will be riding bikes so I can keep up the purging momentum. Amber can register herself but Kelsea will need me. Hey-2 schools and 2 school schedules. What a novelty! I have had kids at the jr high for 6 years and I will have one year off before we do it again. I don't want school to start about as much as they don't want it to start. I have enjoyed our down time. It will be my last summer of all my kids being mine for sure. It was Amber's last girls camp. Who knows what Amber will be doing after high school. She is a Senior!!!

We have been watching the olympics off and on. Tonight's mens swim relay was the most incredibly awesome thing to see! It is worth looking up and watching it again. I can't get enough of the replay. It was unbelievable.

Lee Joe is ready to come home. He will be back in the middle of the week that school starts. The guy he is working for offered to keep him working until October. He has work in Sacramento after these jobs he is doing now. He doesn't want to keep doing this much longer. His other buddy has steady work that starts in September and it is in Twin Falls. He is going to go after that. And this winter when things really slow down, the guy in California will be busy still and Lee Joe could do that still if he needs to. It sounds like I will be doing what I am doing for awhile the only thing that makes it a real pain when school starts is we really need another car.

Cure the hoarder!! That is the motto for this summer. Lee Joe's departure has helped in the accumulation department-there has been a lot less of that. I am afraid when he gets back he will find ways to fill the empty spaces again.

So I am doing the midnight ramble again. Thanks for listening. Even though there seems to be not so many out there lately.


Janika said...

The relay was a blast! You would think people would figure out that trash talking makes Michael Phelps the champion that he is. If you want to loose talk about how much better you are than he or any of the other Americans. And Good job on doing what I should be doing.

Anonymous said...

I must have fallen asleep when the relay was on but I saw the replays this morning. Pretty amazing stuff. I too have started an attempt to lose some lbs. its been acouple of weeks of running but I haven't had the results I've had in the past. I guess we are all getting older, not just you guys. lol