Saturday, July 04, 2009

A mystery....

What? Two blogs in one day? Due to the pictures coming into my blog in computer jargon I will post two. But this one should be on it's own anyway.

This is all we can find of Hannah's glasses. It has been several weeks and still this all we can find. I asked her to go get her glasses and put them on and she came back with this. I know they were on a little table between the recliner and the giant beanbag we have. There are no lenses and no other bits of metal. I have looked in and beside and under the recliner. Under the bean bag. No evidence. It is still a lingering mystery as to what happened to Hannah's glasses. I am baffled. Perhaps one of the girls broke them and has not fessed up and threw away all the bits they found to cover up the accident. But I still don't know.

1 comment:

Janika said...

Yeah, somebody's hiding something.