Friday, April 25, 2008

I want to put a title but I can't think of one. So far this week I got better and then went back downhill again. Another engine showed up in my garage and now it smells like diesel. We inherited a young bunny from our neighbors because the dad is terribly allergic to it. It is a very sweet and cuddly thing. More care though. But it is darling. Spot was trying to mother it. She likes it. The cat keeps watch on it. Looks like an overgrown mouse to her I think but the bunny should be around 9-10 pounds full grown. That is bigger than Spot.

And other news, my mom may have cancer. We are not sure if it is uterine or ovarian. My mom is vague. My sister has been able to get stuff out her but my mom hasn't told me anything. She is weird like that. My brother violated his probabtion and has been going to court and may have to go to prison. It is wait and see but that hasn't helped my mom at all. I am really bothered about all that right now.

We have the big music week concert tonight. I am excited. I have always hoped to see one of my kids in the big high school orchestra and Amber is in it tonight. She gets to tune the whole orchestra to her oboe. Kylee and Autumn are where and Amber and Kelsea started years ago in the elementary honor choir. But I am always relieved after the big concert that some of those things are done. And there is a pine wood derby Sat for our ward so today I need to finish painting Fillmore from Cars-the VW van with all the graffitti on it. Kylee is suppose to have Sally but her car looks like it would be a great Lightening Mc Queen. I will be up very late painting cars tonight. But Fillmore is looking good. I will take pictures and post them probably next week.


The Woodward Family said...

I hope everything works out ok with your mom and brother.

Have a good time at th concert!

Unknown said...

What a ZOO!

I havn't sat to read blogs for a long time. your's does sound like a ZOO! ;)

Glad it's got living organisims in it!

I'm considering a trip to see you guys in the next 3 weeks. maybe just for a weekend. email or call me or blog comment me. I'm heading out to NV on Tuesday the girls are off school for 2 weeks and 2 days.

Janika said...

Keep us posted on what you are able to eek out about your mom.