Monday, April 28, 2008

The busy bit me

I think the busy stuff is getting to me or it is the lack of sleep. I worked at the school this morning and got the call at 7am. I did plan on doing the yard, going to the store-like one ounce of milk left and everything else was gone-and doing the laundry, Lee Joe has no white socks left in his drawers and I have to keep hunting for clothes for Hannah. I have lost my nice black belt somewhere. I worked instead. Lee Joe bought a dump truck and gave me heart attack or just made me frustratingly speechless.
I somehow was going to live two separate lives tomorrow morning. One was taking Kylee to the orthodontist at 9 am and then trying to figure how to do visiting teaching before Hannah got out of school. The other life I was going to live was making sure Lee Joe followed through on going to the War hawk air museum with Kylee at 9 am. I didn't figure out the conflict until 9 pm tonight.

Needless to say I don't have pictures to post yet since it will take like 45 minutes to download them with the kodak software of the camera and then save them to a CD and load that CD back onto the computer with the HP program so I can find them on my computer. And I will be doing the Tuesday thing. One less thing was suppose to happen with Honor choir being over but Capital decided to fill that void for me with an awards ceremony. Amber is getting something I don't know what.


Janika said...

Ooh! how does it take 45 minutes for pictures to load? Are they online? I just plug my camera into the computer and it asks if I want to import, view, or a few other options. Just now I had 15 pics on my camera and it uploading in, like 30 secs.--and they are full size pictures.

Before I click to load them onto the computer I can hit "options" at the bottom of the box to pick the exact location for the pictures.

You should get a fairly similar prompt when you put in a CD to upload. If not, you should reset your defaults. I am going to go post the pictures I just uploaded.

Kim and family said...

Not with the new kodak software I have. I found out trying to fix Kelsea's camera that kodak is pretty stingy with letting go of their specs to repair people which explains why it seems to be a self contained program on the computer. The old software I could work with and the new I can not. And the new software corrupted a bunch of my pictures too. I won't buy another kodak camera. I can't find the pictures I download on the computer when they come off the camera to put in my blog. All I can find under Kodak are old pictures from the old software. I can only download the pictures from my camera to the kodak software then I can only find them when the kodak program is running. my computer will not recognize the memory card I am using right now for some reason. I could get a new memory card and I then I could work with my pictures better if the computer reads it. That is the best way to do it on my computer. I was just trying to burn over 200 pictures from band for Amber with my HP picture software and now there is computer issue. The other downside is I am the most computer techie person in my house and that doesn't say much. My computer is acting like it needs some love because it is really slow sometimes.

Janika said...

Ugh! Have you gone to Kodak to see if you can get some support from them? Time to get Autumn and Hannah savvy on the computer so they can be tech wiz's and help you in the future.

Kim and family said...

It took me an hour and half last night without success, brainstorming off and on today and another 45 minutes to an hour to move Amber's 245 band pictures to a place all together-different picture programs-where I could successfully burn a CD for her to take to school. My computer is acting really glitchy.

I have been seriously considering getting some schooling on computers because I figure it out on my own OK. Nobody has really shown me anything. My mom taught me a little. I just want to know what I am doing so much better. I hate when other people mess with my computer because it is never the same when they get done with it. Usually somewhat worse off.