Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Harry Potter

Kelsea was SOOOO excited for this Harry Potter movie to come out. She looked up when movies were playing it for the midnight premiere and bought us tickets several weeks ago. She knows I read the books and enjoy it so she bought me one to and I got to hang out with all her teenager friends. The movies theater we went to downtown didn't have any movies playing that night except for Harry Potter in all 8 theaters. She left at 9 and panicked and told me I should come because there were so many people there. Even if you had a ticket for a certain time, they told everyone to just pick a theater. So for the time leading up to the movie we saw all the people dressed up like characters from the movie or just Harry Potter excitement all over them. Kelsea dressed up like Ginny. She made herself a wand which I did not get a picture of, days earlier. She wore Amber's graduation gown and went to savers to get a clip on tie. One of the radio stations took a picture of Kelsea. We are waiting still to see if they post it. It was like 95% teenagers at the midnight showing. I waited in the theater with all the teenagers- Kelsea had a huge group of friends-from like 10 until the movie started at 12. It let out at 3am. And it was sold out so all the theaters were packed. The movie was well done and is like the lead in to last movie or movies- one of the kids said they are making the last book into 2 movies. They probably should. When it ended everyone was like "Uh, the end?" it was a good ending spot but you are kind of like wanting more. I need to reread the last 2 books now.


Janika said...

Kelsea would have been a cuter casting pick for Ginny Weasley. We saw it on Friday. I would not have even known that it was coming out, but I saw it on the marquis and lines of people at the theater at 11 in the morning.

Claire :) said...

I agree with my mom about Ginny alright :D I saw Harry Potter too! I thought Dumbledor shouldn't have died though.........