Friday, January 02, 2009


I wish I had something to say. It has been a rather quiet Christmas vacation. Most of the snow is gone except for the mountains that were created from clearing sidewalks and driveways. It has rained a bunch.

We went to the movies on Hannah's birthday. We saw Bedtime Stories. It was cute. Amber and her boyfriend have spent a lot of time together. He went with us on Monday and she has been to his house. There have been several movie nights. A couple of movie watching nights here and at other people's houses. The last movie night here ended in a marshmallow fight with Marshmallow shooters. 6 kids and a dad shooting marshmallows at each other. I have been finding marshmallows for days since. But the boyfriend tried to stay up for 48 hours and got really cranky-imagine that. We had a night where I had to tell Amber to get off the phone several times. At 1:30 she lost her phone. She got in trouble and she rarely gets in trouble. So Amber has mellow Amber like dramas with that. Not really a drama. More of a dilemma I guess. The drama was between Kelsea and the boyfriend. Kelsea does not want to wait for their goodbye's anymore. So they, Kelsea and the boyfriend, had a real spat and drama over that. Kelsea has had practice all week. She has a game this afternoon. The little girls have been house bound since our outing on Monday. But they have been busy having fun. We spent New Year's with the 3 little girls while the 2 oldest went to the church dance with lots of friends.

My own Christmas vacation is winding down. I don't have much to show for it except a lot of rest, kid chasing and another visit to my sinus doctor. I am STILL going to be on antibiotics and prednisone until I have insurance and can have CT scan. Yuck. I have not had one pain free day. But Magnesium is helping a ton so it is mangeable-or should I say a tolerable amount of pain.

Yep, that was pretty boring. I am sorry. I should probably accomplish something before I become too busy again to get anything done.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It still seems so strange that Amber has a boyfriend. I was younger than her and had one. then at her age I had quite a few ;)