Tuesday, July 01, 2008


When I read a book, all is lost. I read until 2am last night. I still had 50 pages to go. There was a thunderstorm at 6am so Buddy, our big dog, was barking at the thunder. He woke everyone but Kelsea. I had to be somewhere at 9am so I did it to myself. I was a tad grumpy today and here I sit after 11 blogging. Silly me. Anyways. I did finish the book with endless interruptions and was disappointed that the book ended the way it did. The author died before she finished the book and the "editor remarks" at the end were unsatisfactory. I sound like someone from the book now. But reading at the end of the book it said there was a movie done of it and how they ended the movie was satisfactory. So now I need to rent Wives and Daughters from Netflix. It was a Masterpiece Theatre mini series so it would be like getting 3 separate movies. I love the internet though for finding out these things! I might read more of her books. Most of the other stuff she has written is much shorter. So that is my book analysis. Goodnight.

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