Wednesday, May 28, 2008

More bragging rights

I shouldn't have so much to say on the kids but they are the life I have right now. Not room for much else at the moment. Sometimes watching what they do, good or bad, is the reward for sticking it out and having my life have to do everything with them. I am grateful for what they have been able to accomplish and that I am raising good kids that try hard to be that way. Not all healthy at the moment but that too will pass. And then when there is burn out, you find out you were still doing good even though you are soo ready for a vacation from mommyhood for a little bit.

Kelsea had a 9th grade award assembly today and she received a 3 sport award and an MVP in tennis award with her friend that played doubles with her. She didn't get any awards for grades but that is OK. She is still doing great.


Janika said...

Maybe my kids would be better if I lived for them. One, who shall remain nameless but needs no introduction is going to have to take at least one class for summer school, probably two in order to advance to the next grade.

Janika said...

You need to get some of your friends/ associates into blogging so I am not the only one who comments, since Devanie and MaryAnne are not very good at that these days. I just thought of that because I noticed Dove has 3 other friends outside our circle who comment regularly. Maybe your sister or mom could get started blogging. All the worlds problems would be solved if everybody would blog. Somehow.

Kim and family said...

I have kind of fell off the blogging band wagon due to lack of interest I guess. I live in a very little world.

Janika said...

Your little world is beautiful. I am looking at the picture of y'all in Disneyland and I'm thinking "It's a small world after all" and how cheerful that is. We love you and always want to hear how/what the LayCrew is doing.