Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentines and a quiet house

At this moment the kids are having a 4 day weekend and only the 2 youngest are home with me right now. Really quiet and super low key. Kylee is at a friends, she stayed the night and Amber and Kelsea were off this morning for an overnight snowmobiling trip with our YW and YM.

Earlier this week Kylee went to the Doctor. She was diagnosed with exercised induced asthma. The x-ray tech saw me come in with Kylee and she hasn't seen Kylee. But she has seen 3 of the girls. She said she didn't recognize who I walked in with. I opened my big mouth and even said that I shouldn't say anything but she has been less accident prone than the 3 she has seen. The next day I got a call from the school nurse about Kylee. She had fallen off the highest bar that the kids flip around on. Some boys decided to shake the bar to see of she could balance. She couldn't and fell really hard. The duty wouldn't let her get up. The nurse came out with the wheelchair once they could see that she could move fine they wheeled her into the nurses office. Anyways she hit her rear really hard and her head. She had a bad headache and couldn't move real well or sit on her rear comfortably. We kept a really close eye on her. She stayed home from choir and dance on Tuesday and stayed home Weds morning. I subbed in the afternoon and the PE teacher asked how she was and several other people and they said it was really scary. She was hurt bad but mostly from the impact, mainly sore muscles.. She didn't show dangerous signs of head trauma so I didn't take her to the doctor. She went on her field trip Weds and as soon as she got back her head hurt a little worse but by evening she was much better and the next morning some pain but she was doing tremendously better.

So Amber's boy saga continues. Amber played piano for a stake fireside on Sunday. And THE boy led the music. He got to sit by her then the whole fireside. He gave her a chocolate flower on her birthday-I know I said this already- and he gave her tulips in the evening. On Weds he hid some carnations in her backpack when she took him and another girl home. And for the school fundraiser valentine thing she got a carnation with a note from him. She won't let me see what she got from her seminary valentines bag. She played tennis with some friends and him on Thursday afternoon and those two played longer than anyone else. She gave him and her 3 best friends a Symphony bar with a handmade cover. They were all the same with individual stickers for each friend. I asked her why she wasn't giving him the one with a music stand sticker on it and she said it was because the wrapper job wasn't as nice. So she gave him the nicer candy bar. He e-mailed her the sweetest and most complimentary message and the poor boy is worse off than he was before. He was going to do something else after school but his mom wouldn't let him because of all the attention he had already given her. She is like so in the middle of the road about it all. I have no idea what is going on in her head over it. There is the slightest hint of a little like back. Perhaps for Amber that is actually a tremendous showing of emotion. I like the boy that likes Amber and they are still going nowhere. They held hands for 2 seconds during a game and she gave him a brief hug for the flowers. He is supposedly going to ask her out to prom. It is in May. Amber's friend has an inability to keep secrets. We decided to shop for a dress when we had time, whether or not she gets asked but that was before we knew how far away prom really was. We found one. Modest dresses are hard to find. And we are about to get super busy again. So the friend spilled the beans on the dress back to her admirer telling him he had to ask her now. And it got to his mom and she mentioned the dress to me. Super awkward! Amber's friend learned her lesson too I think.

And as it is Valentines week the realization of being a mother of 5 girls and as we are being thrust into the world of awakening boys. Oh my. Kelsea still has a 7th grade admirer. His last name is Day. So we teased her that if she liked her last name she could marry him and only change one letter in her last name. He has liked her for a long time now in jr high terms. He was teasing Amber's admirer for liking her. Kelsea was re-enacting her own admirer's glances at her during the fireside in the most exagerated manner which had Amber and I laughing. THEN during a scout meeting(same day) that Lee Joe had, he cracked a joke and had a bunch of the other ladies there laughing and one of the ladies-she has a son that is a sophmore and another one that is a freshman and she said "no wonder my boys like your daughters so much". It is a compliment to have admired daughters but it is overwhelming. Kelsea, I think I have said has had many such admirers and she is only bothered by too much staring or when it becomes negative attention. There is a boy that Kelsea considers a friend but he seems to like her a lot. I haven't really met him yet but he made me something for valentines day. It said "to Kelsea's mommy" It was hilarious to me anyways. But the younger girls are there already too. Kylee has a boy like her for several years and Hannah had a boy ask her to be his girlfriend. He is the MOST adorable little guy. She said she would but there was no kissing-good girl.

In spite of the onslaught of school valentines-all 5 this year. It was mellow day. Lee Joe and I are probably going out tonight but he did get me a sapphire bracelet. It is very pretty.

So this blog was probably more than you ever needed to know, but the kids are home or gone and I have a messy house and a 4 day weekend. So why not procrastinate a little longer. Maybe I will even post some pics this weekend.


Janika said...

Emylie has a boy that she has liked for a long time who she is now calling boyfriend, and Claire, who is in 4th grade talks a lot about her guy friends. They know they can't date until they are 16. I downplay their interest in boys for now, but it does seem inevitable.

Maryanne said...

What big kids you have. I think that Ry is still not very interested. I've even asker her what her favorite boy in class was. The teacher said that everybody wants to sit by her. So she has lots of admierers. But you have a 17 year old and there is no turning back.