Friday, September 07, 2007


There has been a big shed on our back patio where our gazebo has been. Lee Joe had a crane to put in the back yard and that was the only place it could drop it. So there it has sat all summer. It got moved last night. I was sad about the branch it broke on my lilac tree when it got put in the yard. Last night one of the neighbors almost cut the entire tree! It was my most favorite tree in the back yard. But I told Lee Joe he is trying to build a village in the back yard. It is called Recycleville. I will have to take a better picture of the tree later when the sun is shining on that side of the yard. I mourn the loss of most of my lilac tree. And I almost lost the grassy patch next to the sand box because the gazebo has shaded it all summer and it has been impossible to mow and water.


Janika said...

Your lilac tree will have enjoyed the pruning and it will come back strong.

Unknown said...

Love you Sis