Saturday, April 14, 2007

Friday the 13th

Usually I don't ever pay attention to Friday the 13th anymore than any other day of the week but this past one was something else!

The school had it's share of weirdness and bad news. One of the teacher's brother was injured in Iraq and lost his leg. Someone who use to work at the school a while ago passed away, I don't know who it was. Things were just out of sorts all day. The cross walk was OK in the morning until the last crossing of the day. Someone TOTALLY ran the light As I was in the road getting ready to cross with a 1st grader and a Kindergartner. That had my heart racing. The afternoon crosswalk had me all amped up when I got home.

I was trying to get Amber and her friend and my 3 little girls together to drive down to the park so the older kids could play tennis. Amber's other friend was riding around on his bike in front of the houses around us. I guess he left to go to the park but I didn't know that when I heard screeching tires and a horrible crash. I was trying to locate the crash and I asked the kids "Where's Matt?" with my heart in my throat! Then I saw what happened. Across the street one house over our neighbor in her truck was in the road and a blazer was in her driveway with its bumper on her other car. He started yelling at her like it was her fault. and she was trying to tell him that this was her house. He shut up then. She was turning into her driveway and for some reason he was passing cars all the way down the street and not paying attention or just downright speeding when his blazer blazed a trail on her drivers side door and into her other car. There were witnesses eager to share what had happened to the police because he was driving so crazy. One gal was taking pictures. Another guy that lives further down the road nearly got into a fight with him and after talking to the teenage witnesses in front of my house I went over there in a rage and yelled at him some more. The worst part was thinking something awful happened to Amber's friend because he had rode his bike in front of that house just minutes before that and we were all in the yard when it happened. What was so fantastic though was she had worked for the police dept for 6 years. A neighbor who is retired police officer came and helped direct traffic around her truck(supporting her) and another neighbor who is an active police officer came and helped before he went to his house while we waited for the police officers to come. They checked him out for a DUI. I wanted them to arrest him so bad. But they gave him a ticket for reckless driving. He was like 20 or 30. But he was weird. Our neighbor can't open her drivers door on the truck but her Buick wasn't hurt that bad at all thank goodness for her. very minor damage to the car. But she had to have the back windshield replaced recently from some vandalism that happened in her driveway. ANyways I have been so upset since last night. I am sick of people speeding down my road and I am ready to find out what we can do about it. The speed limit is 25 and everyone is driving over 35. You don't make me worry about about ANY kids safety or you will get it from me. I love my house but I want a safe street to live on. We aren't moving, I guess it is time to really find out what I can do.

So that was a Friday the 13th to remember.


Janika said...

Just getting a patrolman to enforce for a few months might make a big difference. About people driving into the yards on that street, It might make a difference to have a blunt curb instead of those rounded ones. --And months of construction on the project would deter people from using that street as a shortcut.

The Woodward Family said...

Contact your city council rep, and see about putting in traffic bumps or calmers that make people slow WAY down to go around them. We have them in our neighborhood because of living so close to the school. Go to all your neighbors, get their signatures, and the city should install them. Remember, the squeeky wheel gets the oil...

Unknown said...

I'd ask for some "Speed Humps" they are in some neighborhoods around me brick speed humps you can go about 15-20 over them