Friday, October 13, 2006

autumn update

I was trying to post pictures for 3 days now, no luck. I can't seem to start a new paragraph either. Autumn went to our usual doctors office yesterday for a follow-up on her arm. There is no obvious fracture. They think it is a bone bruise. She is out of the splint and and sling. It still hurts her but she is kind of hyper sensitive to discomfort. Everyone has been trying out her splint and sling. Kylee had to almost tackle Dylan this morning. He tried to go to the playground with her sling. I drove 5 kids to school this morning. Maybe my next van should be yellow. Tonight we have a volleyball game for Kelsea and Amber is marching and playing pep band at the homecoming game tonight and has another competition tomorrow. Her band teacher got furious on weds, threw a fit and left the band in the parking lot during class(where they practice) . Then yesterday he felt bad or something and gave all the kids individualized thank you cards for working hard. Band teachers can be very tempermantal. I had one in 7th grade that threw his baton at the wall and it was very close to where I was sitting. Hopefully it won't get too cold at the game tonight. It starts at 8:30. Amber has a friend whose mom is helping me carpool Amber to Capital. She saw our giant pile of leaves in the yard and wanted some for her mulch pile because they don't have any trees in their yard. So we bagged up 5 big leaf bags full and I think we can still fill two or three more. Kitty's kill count is 9. Lee Joe has 2 kills. I think we are on the verge of a crisis. I have never seen anything like it. I am going nuts with my messy house, chauffer duties(as a result, messy car), daily calls from the school nurse, daily visits to the school during the school day, and the death and carnage of mice around my house. Enough said, I need to shower an take Hannah to the library and visit the car wash, then I might have some time to clean a little before the run around begins. How's that for rambling.


Unknown said...

What does your family want for Christmas???

Maryanne said...

So the girls sound like they are all doing well. Is this your first or second broken are. Because with as many girs as you have and as much as they go go go I think that your numbers are great. But I would have to say you do spend a lot of time in the ER. you need to give that a rest. Love you talk to you soon looking forward to seeing some pictures.

Kim and family said...

No ER visit this time than goodness. i was trying to avoid that as much as I could-result-bad DR's office visit.

Kim and family said...

No ER visit this time than goodness. i was trying to avoid that as much as I could-result-bad DR's office visit.