Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day!

Love to all!!

Today is much better. I had an appointment this morning and we have an ortho Appointment for Kelsea. I have been able to clean the house a little. I think we are all going to dinner tonight and Kelsea has basketball. Amber has an open house at the High School tomorrow-oh my.

A Hamster had a near death experience last night. The cat dicovered that there was a rodent in the house and knocked Kylee's cages off the shelf in her room. It is up quite high in her room but she found access off the bunkbed. I woke up to Kylee crying hysterically and the cage and litter all over everything. I was looking for the Hamster. The dog was under the bed. I was checking to see if the Hamster was with her under there when she(the hamster) peeked out from under her wheel. I trapped her under the wheel and put her in one cage while Kelsea helped me find the parts to other cage and put it back together. This was at 12:30 last night. It took me several hours to fall asleep after that excitement. I am just happy the Hamster is OK. We are going to come up with some sort of protection to keep the cat from having access and if we do it right, if the hamster gets out it won't be able to leave the shelf.

Lee Joe's surgery will be Feb 27. More about that later.


Maryanne said...

What is leejoe getting surgery for? Tell him that he looks OK without hair. Tell him to save the money you can't polish a terd. I kidding.

Unknown said...

Maybe you should get a big aquarium for your rodent fixation. and when they are all dead you can have fish instead/too