Monday, March 07, 2011


So you would think that since I have a new laptop that I would really get with it on posting a blog. I guess no such luck. I have yet to take a picture of my new little friend. I love my laptop. It is white with flowers. Super girly, which I have never really been. I can get it out of my system real quick with any one of my 5 girls. But anyways my next post will have pictures of the laptop on it.

I have a couple of quotes of the week for last week. So there are some kindergarteners I have been working on trying to get them to stop tackling and mauling each other on the playground. One little boy I have talked to over and over. The minute he hit the grass he tackled the boy that was closest to him. So I asked him "Why did you do that, we have talked about this over and over." very remorsefully he says "I lost my mind for a minute." That was a good one. Then a few minutes later there are more kindergarteners playing tag. Tag is fine but the rules are they need to play somewhere else other than on the equipment. I know, what a kill joy I have to be. So I ask them "Guys, where are you suppose to play tag?" Someone is "it" so I know it's tag but they tell me "We aren't playing tag. We are playing tomatoes." I see. "If you are playing a game where someone is it, you have to play it over there." Kids are funny. It's not tag if you just call it some other name. But someone is always "it" and the "it" is trying to make someone else "it". A bunch of the grades try this one. I have heard lots of new kinds of names for tag. But tomatoes, OK..... :) It really makes me laugh.

Kid updates--Kylee is playing basketball right now. She is on varsity but man there are some excellent players on her team. We were super happy for her the other day she made a 3 point shot and they were her first points of the season. Her team is amazing. They have beat every team they have played by at least 15 points or more. They just dominate. This is the last week and next week is tournament. Kylee had her honor band concert this weekend. Everybody went but me. I have this yucky bronchitis/pneumonia thing going on. It hit me hard and fast this time. Or maybe I just knew what I needed to do since I just had this crud in August, the first week of school. Either way, blah. Big news for Kylee-she can take drivers ed the beginning of April. "WHAT!!" Oh yeah. But when I look at the next school year I realize I lose my helpers. Both Amber and Kelsea may be gone.
Kelsea went to Portland with Orchestra this last weekend. She is about to get super busy. She just started tennis. There are two out of town trips with Tennis and then she is going to U of I for one of their Vandal weekend thingys. Kelsea got in to U of I. I am not sure if I mentioned that. She will be headed north when she goes to school. I am not sure how I feel about her being to far. Amber was a super easy adjustment going to BSU. Kelsea will be so far. Well, she wants to go and we will see if she likes it. She could always change her mind if she wants. Nothing is set in stone. Good life experience for her. She graduates in May-of my goodness. We need to get her senior pictures done. She will be 18 in just a few days. So I realize two of my birdies could fly away from the nest this year at about the same time.
Amber is looking at internships for the summer. Did I mentioned she just turned 20? I feel old. But she is still home right now. It is just weird. Autumn keeps telling her to move out. She wants her own room really bad. Amber is real involved in Band. She is in Kappa Kappa Psi fraternity. It's a band thing. She has been traveling a lot for that. She tried to get VP I think in the fraternity but she didn't get it so now she wants to try for treasurer and she wants to try our for drum major. She is getting ambitious. She has new boyfriend. He is a very nice young man with a lot in common with Amber. He is a return missionary and in his junior year at BSU. There is so much more cool stuff about him. We will see where this goes.
Autumn has changed a lot. My favorite saying about her lately is "She is so jr high." She is outgoing more than she has ever been, silly and sometimes just persistently annoying. But it is the age. She will be 13 the week after Kelsea's birthday. She is most excited to get onto Facebook and she WANTS HER OWN ROOM! She can't wait for her sisters to move out.
Hannah is her funny self. She has come up with comics with her friends and little parodies to songs. I should just start recording her. It's hilarious. She has several songs she has made up about bacon.
Lee Joe has been doing some over the road truck driving lately. That's better than being laid-off like he was for 2 and half weeks in Feb. But the good news about that is-unemployment. We can get that now. Couldn't get that when work dried up with his business. So things weren't too bad.
About my health, I am going to save that for another blog day. I have made some discoveries and have had some frustrations. Not many answers and have helped myself more than any doctor has helped me yet. I will leave it there for today.
As far as things in my house, keeping the attitude positive. I am ready for good things to come our way. They already are.

1 comment:

Kreller Kaboodle said...

I love it when you update your blog!! It's always so fun to read! Thanks for sharing! You have a fun family!!