Friday, March 05, 2010

Life in general

I tell you-we are grateful for a job. The kind that has a paycheck attached to it. Lee Joe's job might not be perfect-or really far from it but it is one and it was hard to come by, so we are very thankful. Even if we never know what he is doing or where he is going until the day before and he is gone overnight or most evenings and since I am working and the kids are in school, we see him not too often. Like last night-he said he might be home by midnight and I woke up at 3am wide awake with no husband and where he parks the truck and loads the truck has no cell phone coverage so he can't tell me where he is. Remember in December-totaled car? So I was awake for 2 hours figuring he was tired and sleeping but now I was not. Once I did fall asleep at 5 am he was finally able to call me. Haha--go figure. Oh yeah-when he moves cows, he comes home soooooo smelly. BUT It is A JOB!!!! I just needed to get it off my chest and now I will continue to be thankful for every dollar and every free potato! Yep, those Simplot potatoes!

This week was a rough one. Had a little health issue. On antibiotics, a liquid diet for almost 2 days, a contrast CT scan the next to rule out appendicitis and some other things. Ruled all those things out and now on the path to a colonoscopy--yay fun....I missed 2 days of work. But I am feeling a little better. But the colonoscopy is in a couple of weeks.

As far as kids-- I can't remember if I reported on Amber doing well her first semester. She is on the Dean's list. Pretty proud of that. She is tutoring more at the jr high and earning a pretty good pay check until the end of the year. She is quite the trooper. The boyfriend got his mission call to Lithiuania and they promptly "broke-up" but they will wait and see how things are for the 2 of them when he comes home.
Kelsea in Spanish-"talks to much and not in spanish" I am still laughing about that one as I tell her to knock it off. She has big interest in psychology now but that teacher is "hot" so that is interesting to her too. Boys are interested in her and they like to leave random things on the doorstep. She got a "Dear John" movie poster last night. We don't know why or who or what reason. Then she wished the boys will just go away. But one that REALLY likes her and is so cutely shy and left her the cutest basket ever for valentines day and he gave her penguin with a scarf that he knitted himself! KNITTED HIMSELF!! Anyways, he is about to go on a mission to Arizona.

Kylee is consumed by the jr high realm. She is doing well. But is so quiet and mysterious right now. Autumn is getting enrolled and prepped for her journey to that all consuming place full of hormones and silliness. Blech. I didn't sign the contract for this part. If I bury my head will all go away? Will it pass painlessly that way? I wish.

Hannah is her smarty pants sassy self. Telling me things like "my name is Hyperbole!" Making her own mother feel like a uneducated ding-a-ling as I ask "Do you know what that means?" "It's an exAGER-A-tion" I look it up to find out how to spell and see if she was right. Yep she was. And since she is eight and I have enjoyed most of my children very much before the age of eight-well I am in parental mourning and know that the next little creatures I will get my hands on will be grandkids.

And I really want to mention the passing of one special lady. Her name was Linda Blakeslee. She was the sweetest woman. I enjoyed when she taught lessons at church so very much. I knew where ever she taught, whoever was learning from her was being taught well. She worked at Wal-Mart for awhile in the fabric department and I would visit with her there whenever I ran into her when she was working. That was quite often. She had a round of cancer 4 years ago and she beat it. 2 years ago she lost her son when he commited suicide and left behind his 2 year old son. She was always bringing the grandson to church after that, even before that but it was different afterward. I had so much respect and love for her and admired her for the woman she was and the example in perserverance and her smile warmed your heart. The cancer came back and it was terminal. She lived longer than expected and she passed away last week. It is such a sad thing to see someone so beautiful inside and out leave this world. But I know she doesn't suffer anymore and has peace. She had the chance to plan her funeral. Her husband shared some of those details. But I revelled in the fact that I knew the same beautiful person that her husband, son and grandchildren described. She lived her life well with such warmth to all those she touched. Again, beautiful. And yet in the end she was so afraid she wasn't worthy enough. Enoch never felt worthy, Neither did Nephi. All who knew her just would know that she was. I felt it a special priviledge to have her touch my life. Even as she planned her funeral and told her husband he only had 20 minutes to talk and he set an alarm clock on the podium to keep his word, I think she had enough time to plan one more thing. The day of her funeral was the most beautiful warm spring like day we have had. It was like she was worried for the in-laws and the elderly people that attended, that they might get a chill so the day should be warm and it should be sunny so everyone would feel comfort and happy it felt like spring so they would not be so sad. I am pretty sure she finished planning those details even after she left this earth and now she can rest. She is missed and loved by many and I am so thankful I could have called someone like her a friend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know who you are, just found your comments about my wife when I was looking up some facts about her. I appreciate your kind words about her. She is really missed by all of us, she has left a big hole, but fortunately we know that if we can live the kind of life that she did, we will be together again forever. Again, thank you for your kind words about Linda. Deane Blakeslee